Easy exercises for improving posture 


Easy exercises for improving posture 

Remember as a kid your mom telling you to “stand up straight?” Moms always know what’s best for us and it’s a good thing moms are there to remind us. The act of standing up straight with proper posture has an overall affect on our general health. Good posture makes a huge difference in our everyday lives such as reducing muscle pain and stress, reduces risk of injury and provides more energy throughout the day.

Your overall appearance will significantly benefit too. One of the best known secrets to remaining youthful is to stand and sit up straight.  This one act alone will do more for your overall looks and health than Botox or any face-lift.  Nothing says, “I’m old,” quite as much as a stooped over appearance.  Poor posture makes us look frail adding years to our body.  Too much time spent standing or sitting slouched or hunched over takes a toll on our back taking the brunt of being out of alignment.  Improper alignment of the body affects our ease of movement, flexibility, muscle strength, along with improper positioning of the spine.

The bodily effects of poor posture

Plain and simple, poor posture is hard on your body.  Long term poor posture can result in the following issues:

·      Increases risk of strained muscles and ligaments injuring you making day to day activities like carrying in groceries, more difficult to do.

·      Increases wear and tear on joint surfaces which may contribute to the beginnings of osteoarthritis.

·      Narrows the space between vertebrae increasing the risk of compressed nerves.

·      Can lead to rounded shoulders, protruding abdomen and buttocks, overly arched lower back and where the head is pushed forward in an exaggerated position. 

Easy moves improving posture

To achieve good posture, exercise is a part of that goal. Below are links to videos showing you best moves for better posture.  If you have any medical issues with your back or spine, get your doctor’s clearance before performing these exercises. 

·      Forward foldThis is a standing stretch helping release tension in the spine, hamstrings, glutes while also stretching your legs and hips. When doing this exercise, you should feel the entire back side of your body opening up and lengthening.

·      Child’s pose – This is a common yoga move that stretches and lengthens your spine, glutes, and hamstrings. It also helps release tension in your lower back and neck.

·      Chest openerA big part of obtaining good posture is to open up and stretch the chest muscles. If you spend most of your day sitting, this can be especially useful. Strengthening your chest also helps you stand up tall and straighter.

·      Cat cowOne of the best ways to massage your spine is this move. It will also relieve tension in your torso, neck, and shoulders while promoting blood circulation.

·      High plank – To relieve pain and stiffness throughout your body, the high plank will help strengthen your shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings. There’s an additional bonus of helping you develop balance and strength in your core muscles and back, both important for good posture.

·      Side plank – This is a different version of the plank that helps maintain the neutral alignment of your spine and legs. This pose energizes the muscles in your side and glutes along with strengthening and lengthening these muscles to support your back and improve posture.

·      Downward-facing dog – This pose helps relieve back pain while also strengthening and aligning your back muscles. Practice it regularly to improve posture.

·      Roll upCore exercises like a Pilates roll up when done properly, will give you strong abdominals and better posture. With a strong core and good posture, you can reduce or eliminate back pain.

·      Cobra pose – This move helps strengthens back muscles to help prevent slouching.


Dr. David Samadi is the Director of Men’s Health and Urologic Oncology at St. Francis Hospital in Long Island. He’s a renowned and highly successful board certified Urologic Oncologist Expert and Robotic Surgeon in New York City, regarded as one of the leading prostate surgeons in the U.S., with a vast expertise in prostate cancer treatment and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy.  Visit Dr. Samadi’s websites at robotic oncology and prostate cancer 911.