Perks of sex that extend beyond the bedroom

Perks of sex that extend beyond the bedroom

Of course, anyone will tell you that the joy of sex is alive and well. At its core, sex is designed for procreation of the human species, which is well and good. However, the vast majority of us having intimate relations are not trying to conceive a baby.  Besides the obvious of sexual release, for most of us it’s the desire to connect with someone special. This is the driver of why sex feels so good, is fun and helps strengthen the bonds of a loving relationship with your partner. 

What you may not realize, however, is all the health perks you gain whenever you engage in the most intimate and natural form of human passion.  When sex is a regular activity in your life, you become a healthier person.  All the physical touching, hugging, and endorphins being released bring health benefits to all of us. 

Here is what you gain by making sexual activity a frequent routine:

·      You’ll stress less

Perks of sex that extend beyond the bedroom

The act of sex releases the hormones of endorphins and oxytocin (feel-good hormones) that activate pleasure centers in the brain.  This is why you feel more intimate and ultimately relaxed after a romp in bed.  Feelings of anxiety and depression may not completely go away but at least you do feel better and have an improved perspective on life.

·      You’ll sleep like a baby

There’s a reason why men (and even women) tend to roll over and immediately go to sleep after lovemaking.  During intercourse the production of oxytocin increases while cortisol levels - which induce stress - decrease.  After orgasm is achieved, these hormonal changes puts you into a relaxed state making it easier for you to fall asleep and also leads to the deeper REM sleep we all need for waking up feeling rested.

·      You’ll have less sickness of colds and flu

Having sex at least once a week helps increase higher levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA).  IgA is an antibody playing a critical role in healthy immune functioning.  When IgA levels are raised our body is better able to fight off colds and flu by giving the immune system an extra boost.

·      You’ll be in better shape

Sex is really an exercise and one of the best workouts around.  Depending on how vigorous and energetic your sexual activity becomes, your body will burn somewhere between 85 to 250 calories.  Areas of the body that particularly get a workout are the back, butt, and thighs.  However the arms, legs, and abs can also be sculpted by creative sexual positions.

·      You’ll look 10 years younger

Frequent sex may actually have the ability to turn back the clock on how young you look.  The Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland  did a study many years ago on guessing people’s ages.  The findings revealed participants who had sex on average 4 times a week, looked 7 to 12 years younger than their present age.  It appears that having more sex releases the hormones of estrogen and testosterone giving you a youthful glow along with keeping the body looking younger.

·      You’ll have less aches and pains

Feeling a little achy? Have a headache?  Go have sex.  This is the prescription suggested  possibly helping some people experiencing pain in a study conducted at the Headache Clinic at Southern Illinois University.  Reaching orgasm releases hormones that may help ease away annoying aches and pains such as migraines. 

·      Women will have better bladder control

At some point in their life, about 30% of all women will be affected by urinary incontinence.  To avoid this situation, keeping the pelvic floor muscles strong is a must.  And what better and more fun way is there than to have regular sex.  Sex is a workout for the pelvic floor muscles.  Climaxing causes contractions a woman feels strengthening the muscles in the pelvic floor. 

·      Men may reduce prostate cancer risk

Men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month are less likely to develop prostate cancer according to a 2016 follow-up study published in European Urology.   This study provided the strongest evidence to date on the beneficial role ejaculation has on preventing prostate cancer. 

·      Women may have lighter monthly periods and less cramps

Many women may not relish the idea of sex during her time of the month but it may actually reduce cramps, end the period faster and decrease the risk of endometriosis

·      You’ll feel happier

Think about how you feel after making love – the rush of release of the hormone oxytocin, aka the “love hormone,” is what strengthens our bond between us and our lover.  This love hormone also lowers our defenses making us trust our partner helping to create feelings of intimacy and well-being.  And when that happens, we just naturally feel better about life as we view it from a perspective of happiness and joy.