Frequent sex may be the fountain of youth


Frequent sex may be the fountain of youth

Forget the expensive skin care creams, procedures and facials, a more natural approach to looking younger – and more fun – is out there.  Just because we grow older doesn’t mean our youthful good looks have to fade.  In fact, one way to hang on to the fountain of youth (or discover it) begins in the bedroom.  Sex appears to be that fountain of youth and the real secret to a youthful appearance.

Dr. David Weeks, a British consultant clinical psychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, found those who engaged in regular sex look five to seven years younger than people of the same age. 

Dr. Weeks spent 10 years interviewing thousands of men and women on the frequency of their sex life.  Participants between the ages of 40 and 50 who reported having sex 50% more frequently or about 2-3 times a week looked younger than those who had less frequent sex.

There are several reasons why sex may be the answer to preserving youth:

·      Sex reduces stress and anxiety

It’s well-known that stress can have serious implications. Chronic stress can cause all kinds of health problems from mild headache, sleeping difficulties, and muscle tension, to more severe issues such as lowered immune functioning and chronic depression.

That’s why there is evidence that being close to your partner, physically and emotionally, can lower stress levels.  Stress is a major contributor to premature aging, right after sun damage.  But being in a physically intimate, committed relationship can reduce stress and anxiety with the stress-reducing benefits of sex making people appear younger. During sex, stress fighters of endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine are released, all which lead to a feeling of relaxation and well-being helping improve overall appearance.

·      Sex repairs skin issues 

For most of us, we can use whatever it takes to help heal skin problems and if that means having more sex, then so be it. More sex releases anti-inflammatory molecules such as oxytocin and beta endorphins helping to repair damaged skin.  Sexual intercourse also stimulates the release of human growth hormone making the skin look more elastic thus more youthful. 

·      Sex makes you glow

A romp in the hay is one of the best ways to get that youthful glow.  Sexual intercourse boosts the immune system and helps us work up a sweat clearing toxins from our skin.  Then there’s the added extra bonus of having an orgasm tremendous for reducing tension and stress helping to relax facial muscles that can ward off wrinkles, giving a post-sex glow. 

·      Sex improves complexion

If dry skin is an issue, would you rather put on facial cream or have regular sex?  Actually don’t skip the facial cream but regular sex does wonders for getting and maintaining a dewy complexion by increasing estrogen levels staving off dryness and improving skin elasticity. 

·      Sex reduces acne

For those prone to acne breakouts which often occur when people are under stress or sleep deprived, they can rejoice knowing having more sex induces better sleep and a good night’s rest may help clear up acne. Having sex also increases the levels of immunoglobin, an antibody that wards off inflammation in the body which helps to reduce acne from popping up. 

·      Sex enhances physical activity

Having sex two times a week or more means you are engaging in a somewhat physical activity.  Both parties have to put some effort into the act using muscles you may not normally utilize much. And here’s one you may not have thought of – sex can minimize the appearance of cellulite. Because sex is a workout and reaching orgasm means the more you are moving and working your gluteus maximus – your butt - and abdominals.  Toning and tightening those areas of the body result in less appearance of cellulite plus gives you a more youthful appearance.