Prostate cancer risk reduced by eating more canned tomatoes

Prostate cancer risk reduced by eating more canned tomatoes

Prostate cancer risk reduced by eating more canned tomatoes

Including more canned, cooked tomato products in your diet may be one way to reduce prostate cancer risk.  This news is from a recent prospective study of almost 28,000 Adventist men living in the Loma Linda area of California. Loma Linda is home to one of the largest concentrations of Seventh-day Adventists in the world and are noted for living between seven and 11 years longer than people in other areas of North America.

How the study was conducted and what results were found

For this study, researchers studied men who were enrolled in the Adventist Health Study-2.  At baseline, each man participating filled out a self-administered food frequency questionnaire where they reported their average frequency of intake of various foods and beverages, along with serving sizes over the past year. The men were followed for 7.9 years and during this time span, 1,226 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer of which 355 of them were considered aggressive.

Results from the study showed that men who consumed canned and cooked tomatoes at least 5 to 6 times a week had a 28% reduction of risk of developing prostate cancer when compared with men who rarely or never consumed canned and/or cooked tomatoes.  Another interesting finding from this study was that men who ate raw tomatoes, tomato soup, tomato sauce, and tomato-based vegetable juice, did not experience the same benefits of a lowered risk of prostate cancer

What is tomato’s secret weapon that fights off prostate cancer? A carotenoid with antioxidant properties called lycopene. But why do cooked or canned tomatoes have a superior advantage over fresh or uncooked tomatoes? The advantage is due to the fact that lycopene’s absorption or bioavailability is enhanced if the tomatoes have been heated. Heat facilitates the separation of lycopene from the carrier proteins, making it easier for the body to absorb them.

Past studies also sing the praises of lycopene’s association with decreasing the risk of prostate cancer. A 2003 study found that high intakes of tomato-based products were associated with a 10% to 20% decrease in prostate cancer. And it’s not only cooked or canned tomato products that contain this valuable nutrient. Pink grapefruit and watermelon are also abundantly blessed with lycopene and are considered one natural way for men to beat back their risk of this disease.

A more recent study in 2014 showed that men with low prostatic lycopene levels had a higher association of developing prostate cancer.

Many epidemiological studies have also linked increased lycopene consumption with decreased prostate cancer risk.  The reasons for this include:


·      It enhances the antioxidant response of prostate cells

·      Inhibits proliferation of prostate cancer cells

·      Induces apoptosis which is a natural process that eliminates damaged, unneeded or dangerous cells from the body

·      Decreases the spread of prostate cancer cells

Best ways to increase lycopene in your diet

Men should keep in mind that increasing tomatoes and tomato based products is only one part of an overall health-promoting strategy that should also include maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise and eating lots of plant-based foods.  Including at least two to three servings a week of tomatoes or tomato based products can be a part of the plan to help lower risk of prostate cancer.  Here are some ways to increase your intake:

·      Use canned tomatoes in chili, soups, stews, casseroles, or add to grain dishes such as rice, quinoa, couscous or bulger

·      Use tomato sauce or paste in Mexican dishes, spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, meatloaf, Swiss steak or other casseroles

·      Drink tomato juice

·      Serve fresh tomatoes in salads, salsas, dips, sandwiches, tacos, salads or add cherry tomatoes to a vegetable platter or on kebobs. 

 Final thoughts

Prostate cancer is not a given for all men.  Even though most men will experience an enlarged prostate as they age, by educating yourself and understanding there are steps you can take to lessen the occurrence of prostate cancer will empower you to take charge of your health.  Generally prostate cancer grows slowly and when caught early is very treatable and the cure rate is high.  By getting regular prostate exams, paying attention to and seeing your physician when you have symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate, along with following lifestyle factors such as eating foods with more lycopene, you will be helping yourself to avoid a potentially deadly disease unnecessarily.

David B. Samadi, MD, Urologic Oncology Expert and Robotic Surgeon located at 485 Madison Avenue on the 21st floor, New York, NY – 212-365-5000.  Follow Dr. Samadi at, and