Identifying the differences between BPH and prostate cancer

Identifying the differences between BPH and prostate cancer

It’s not unusual for men (and women) to get mixed up on the difference between BPH and prostate cancer.  It’s also important for everyone to know they are not the same thing and have different outcomes.  Yet, for being two entirely different conditions, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer have a few similarities in common:

·      Both affect the prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland sitting below a man’s bladder. 

·      Both cause the prostate gland to enlarge causing certain symptoms they share

·      Both conditions are common in men – About 1 out of every 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer while 1 out of every 2 men in their 50s and older will have BPH

Other than the above similarities, BPH and prostate cancer are quite different each with their own characteristics.

Understanding BPH

The main difference between BPH and prostate cancer is that even though the prostate gland is enlarged in both, in BPH it is a benign or noncancerous condition.  BPH is very common especially as a man ages and his prostate begins to grow. When this happens, it puts pressure on the urethra resulting in the following symptoms:

·      An urgent need to urinate

·      Having the need to urinate many times during the day and night

·      Hesitancy or troubling starting a urine flow

·      Weak or dribbling urine stream


Prostate cancer can also have the same symptoms as listed up above making it imperative that any man with these symptoms needs a complete physical exam by his doctor to determine what the exact cause is.  During a physical exam, a doctor will be able to tell through a digital rectal exam, if the prostate is enlarged. Also, an elevated blood test called prostate specific antigen or PSA, can confirm if it might be BPH.   Having BPH does not cause prostate cancer and unlike prostate cancer, it cannot spread to other areas of the body.


Treatment options available for BPH fall under medications and minimally-invasive surgical procedures. Which treatment option is best for you, depends on the size of your prostate, your symptoms, your overall treatment goals, your age, and your overall health. If medications are not effective, or your prostate is too large for medication to make a sufficient difference, surgery to reduce the size of the prostate may be necessary.


Understanding prostate cancer


The most common cancer in men, other than skin cancer, is prostate cancer. It is the second leading cause of death from cancer in men and affects more African American men than white men.  It is not known what exactly causes it but prostate cancer is due to uncontrolled growth of prostate cancer cells. 


In the early stages, prostate cancer has no symptoms.  It is not until it has advanced that symptoms begin to appear which can include many of the same as BPH but may also include:


·      Painful or burning urination

·      Blood in the urine

·      Erectile dysfunction

·      Painful erection

·      Less fluid during ejaculation

·      Blood in semen


Any changes noticed should be evaluated by a doctor.  During the physical exam of the prostate, the doctor may notice the prostate feels nodular or bumpy as well as firm and enlarged.  Blood tests will also show a higher PSA and alkaline phosphatase. 


Typically, prostate cancer usually grows very slowly and are found more frequently in men older than 65.  But the earlier it is diagnosed, the earlier it can be treated to increase the likelihood of survival.  How prostate cancer is treated depends on how aggressive the cancer is as well as a man’s overall health.  Treatment can range from close monitoring called active surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy or other options. 


Recap of the differences between prostate cancer and BPH


Here is a side-by-side quick view of the comparisons and differences between prostate cancer and BPH:


Prostate Cancer                                                                     BPH


·      Cancerous cells present, may spread                        Cells are not cancerous

·      PSA and alkaline phosphatase elevated                    PSA elevated

·      Sides of prostate often affected                                 Central portion of prostate often affected

·      Urinary symptoms                                                     Urinary symptoms

·      Treatment depends on aggressiveness of cancer       Range of treatment to relieve symptoms

Dr. David B. Samadi is a Urologic Oncology Expert and Robotic Surgeon located at 485 Madison Avenue on the 21st floor, New York, NY – 212-365-5000.  Follow Dr. Samadi at, and