What men can expect at a wellness checkup

What men can expect at a wellness checkup

Most doctors know that men are much less likely to get an annual physical than women.  Call it male stubbornness or male ego, getting men to see their doctor for a wellness checkup may be harder than pulling teeth.

Yet, it’s these routine annual checkups that are priceless for uncovering signs of medical conditions that can turn into very serious health concerns. The hesitation men have often stems from what their doctor may tell them about their state of health. It’s understandable that no one likes hearing they may be suffering from a health issue.  The problem with not knowing your up-to-date health status is failure to miss finding serious conditions at an early, more treatable or preventable stage.  Men who skip annual wellness checkups are more likely to end up hospitalized for serious issues such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and complications of diabetes, all of which can be managed or even avoided when following good health habits.

A factor helping men make that annual wellness checkup is to know what he can expect to happen at the visit. Men would rather avoid unexpected surprises when seeing the doctor, therefore knowing what generally will happen, helps. Another concern for men may be if insurance will cover their visit. Insurance companies recognize that annual wellness exams are beneficial for keeping individuals healthy and therefore, usually cover the cost. When men adopt the attitude that they as the patient are the most important person of the health care team, they can achieve better results and better health overall.

Why should men have an annual wellness checkup?

Here are basic benefits men will gain from having an annual wellness checkup:

·      It helps build a relationship with their doctor by giving men an opportunity to talk with their doctor about their health status. 

·      Having a good relationship with their doctor helps build trust. If a man ever needs specialized care, their primary care doctor will already know them and can better help coordinate that care and will follow-up with them after any hospitalization

·      It gives men a chance to review healthy and potentially unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, smoking status, and alcohol use.

·      An annual wellness visit is an ideal time to discuss the need for specific screening tests, such as colonoscopy or having a chest CT scan for men who are current or former heavy smokers. Wellness checks also provide the opportunity to inquire about a man’s immunization status checking to see what needs to be updated.

·      Wellness visits may lead to early detection of an illness; early detection may result in better outcomes. These same visits can detect risk factors for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease, creating an opportunity to change lifestyle habits and prevent the development of the disease

·      Wellness exams provide an opportunity for a man’s doctor to update their clinical data, helping get a more accurate picture of a man’s overall health which can be critical information in an emergency

What will happen at a wellness checkup?

Here are general health checks most doctors will perform at a wellness checkup:

·      Collection of basic health information such as weight, height, temperature, and blood pressure

·      Listening to a man’s heartbeat and breathing sounds with a stethoscope

·      An exam of a man’s head and neck, including tonsils, lymph nodes and thyroid

·      An abdominal exam to check for any tenderness and liver size

·      A check of a man’s muscle strength, reflexes, and balance

·      Lab tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry panel, blood cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and urinalysis

·      May include a prostate and/or testicular exam

·      A review of a man’s immunization status, asking what immunizations a man should have and if they are up-to-date

·      A review of screening tests men should have such as prostate specific antigen (PSA), colonoscopy, and other health screenings.

The best time for men to see their doctor is when they are not sick. Establishing baseline wellness by getting to know their doctor is valuable long-term. By having an annual wellness checkup, men will spend less time and money on healthcare and have more time for enjoying the things they love most.

David B. Samadi, MD, Urologic Oncology Expert and Robotic Surgeon located at 485 Madison Avenue on the 21st floor, New York, NY – 212-365-5000.  Follow Dr. Samadi at www.samadimd.comwww.prostatecancer911.com, and www.roboticoncology.com