Two best exercises targeting belly fat

Two best exercises targeting belly fat

Got belly fat that won’t budge?  You’re not alone.  Many people carry excess weight in the abdominal area making it the number one area of the body to lose weight from.  Unfortunately, the stubborn nature of this fat makes it particularly tough to get rid of.

There are two types of fat that can accumulate in the tummy – subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.  Subcutaneous fat is stored directly under the skin (sub means “beneath” and cutaneous refers to skin).  Visceral fat is stored within the abdominal cavity around your organs.  All of us have subcutaneous fat which is relatively harmless but visceral fat has been linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer.  People who are overweight to obese are not the only ones who have visceral or belly fat as even normal weight people can carry this type of fat. 

What doesn’t work to get rid of belly fat

Mobilizing belly fat is not easy but not impossible.  The one type of exercises not to rely on for making belly fat disappear are spot-training exercises. Spot-training can best be defined as attempting to either train or exercise only one part of your body at a time.  If you were to do 500 sit-ups or be planking all day long, neither will do anything magical to melt away belly fat.  They will tone the muscles in that area of the body which is still important but are not very effective for shrinking down the gut.

What needs to happen to get rid of belly fat is to reduce the amount of fat stored deep inside. That fat has been accumulating for years steadily building up to the point of a noticeable pot belly.  It’s the same fat that doggedly doesn’t want to go away putting your health at risk. 

What does work?

The trick to getting back the belly you’ve always wanted is a combination of combining cardio with strength training.  Together this combo can be your answer to reducing belly fat and getting your belly in better shape. This duo gets results because it leads to an overall reduction in body fat and increase in lean muscle mass. The two exercises that target belly fat the best are:

1.     HIIT training

2.     Strength training

HIIT Training

Cardiovascular workouts are perfect for getting visceral fat to respond really well when a person does this fitness routine regularly.  The very best type of cardio workout to do for losing belly fat is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).  HIIT is an intense workout in which a person goes all-out in performing one hundred percent effort through quick, powerful bursts of exercise of up to 1 minute long, followed by a short recovery period of about 2 minutes in length.  For example, a good starter HIIT workout is running as fast as you can for up to 1 minute and then walking at a brisk pace for 2 minutes.  Repeat this 3-minute interval five times for a 15-minutes workout. 

HIIT has been shown to be effective in reducing overall abdominal fat and to help mitigate the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.  Keep in mind to burn off really stubborn belly fat HIIT training for some people may require up to 30 to 45 minutes to see results.  It’s a matter of elevating the heart rate up and keeping it elevated for a sustained length of time cranking up your metabolism to a higher level of using up excess fat. 

For anyone who is new to HIIT training, there are beginning moves you can do to slowly but simply ease into gradually progressing to a more complex routine over time. 

Strength Training

Strength training is the second half of the solution for reducing belly fat.  A study by Harvard School of Public Health found that men who completed 20 minutes of weight training a day saw a smaller increase in belly fat than men who spent the same amount of time only sweating it out in a cardio workout.  But when cardio and weight or strength training are combined, that’s when you can start saying “bye-bye belly fat.”

Anyone starting out as a beginner to exercising should first consult with their physician.  Also, you can be working out diligently but if you are feeding your body with unhealthy foods, the results you are expecting won’t happen.  An essential part of any weight loss regimen and for losing belly fat is proper nutrition.  Consult with a registered dietitian who can guide you in following an individualized eating plan helping you reach a healthier body weight.  Without it, you will be wasting your time. 

To get started on strength training, here is a beginner’s video demonstrating the correct moves.