Best approaches to sculpting your abs

Best approaches to sculpting your abs

Flat, six-pack abdominals is every man’s dream. But like every man knows, achieving that dream takes work.  No one wakes up one day having perfectly sculpted abs without some effort. There are several approaches men can take accomplishing this goal. By taking the time and hard work necessary without using any supplements, it can be done. Even if your abs fall short of a six-pack, just adopting better eating and exercise habits can result in overall improvement in health and fitness.

To achieve the abs you’ve always wanted, here are the best approaches sculpting your abs safely:

·      Cut out junk food

Like the saying goes, ‘abs are made in the kitchen, ‘is literally true.  Filling yourself up with chips, pizza, burgers, sugary beverages, or drinking too much beer, will spell disaster in ever achieving a flat belly. Loaded with too much fat, sugar, and calories, these same foods lack nutrients beneficial for health like vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Instead, dump a junk food diet by adding in health-promoting whole foods.  Whole foods include all fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, low-fat dairy, lean beef, poultry, and fatty fish. These foods help nourish your body with the right kinds of nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber keeping your immune system strong while keeping you feeling full curbing junk food cravings while aiding in weight loss.

·      Keep well-hydrated

The most critical nutrient all of us require daily is water. The average adult man is composed of approximately 60-65% water. Since we don’t store or make it, staying well-hydrated is vital – water has crucial roles from maintaining body temperature, removing wastes from the body, to bringing nutrients to all parts of the body. Studies have shown that people who drink water before each meal have a higher weight loss than those who don’t.

Everyone has different water requirements depending on their age, activity level, and health status. Generally for men, at least 8 or more cups of water each day is a good start for being well-hydrated.

·      Get lean with protein

Even though most men are not protein deficient, having a good source of protein at every meal and snack, will provide the amount of amino acids throughout the day necessary for building muscle and keeping hunger at bay. That’s because adequate protein intake promotes weight loss, fights belly fat, and supports muscles growth as you work on your six-pack. The goal is to aim for between 25-30 grams of protein at breakfast, lunch, and dinner and about 10-12 grams of protein at a snack. Consuming protein after a workout can also help repair and rebuild muscle tissues as well as aid in muscle recovery. The best sources of protein include a combination of animal-based and plant-based foods The best animal-based sources of protein include eggs, lean beef and pork, poultry, fish, low-fat milk, Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese.  Excellent plant-based proteins include soybeans, tofu, beans, nuts, seeds, lentils, and split peas.

·      Raise your heart rate with cardio

The most efficient way to lose body fat while building a flat belly is to perform cardio exercises. Engaging at least three or more times a week of  physical activities such as running, swimming, bicycling, hiking, or any other activity that gets your heart rate pumping for an extended length of time, can significantly reduce belly fat.

·      Consider high-intensity interval training or HIIT

Another prime example of a perfect way to develop your six-pace is with HIIT training. This form of exercise involves alternating between intense bursts (such as sprinting as fast as possible up to one minute) of activity and short recovery periods (such as brisk walking or jogging up to 2-3 minutes). Because of the intensity of this type of movement, besides burning lots of calories aiding in weight loss making it easier to achieve impressive abs, but you can achieve results in a shorter amount of time than what it takes with other forms of exercise.  You can also try alternating between high-intensity exercise like jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and burpees with a short break in-between.

Bottom line

Getting and maintaining a six-pack abs is achievable when the above approaches are practiced routinely. When you take the initiative to work out and eat a healthy diet, you’ll be rewarded with the body and abs you’ve always wanted.

David B. Samadi, MD, Urologic Oncology Expert and Robotic Surgeon located at 485 Madison Avenue on the 21st floor, New York, NY – 212-365-5000.  Follow Dr. Samadi at, and